REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP): Solar engineering services and operations and maintenance provider for commercial-scale solar portfolio

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR SOLAR ENGINEERING SERVICES AND OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE PROVIDER FOR COMMERCIAL SOLAR PORTFOLIO I. PURPOSE Inclusive Prosperity Capital (“IPC”) is seeking proposals from qualified contractors (“Contractor”) to provide operations and maintenance and engineering services for IPC’s commercial-scale solar asset portfolio. II. IPC BACKGROUND Inclusive Prosperity Capital, Inc. is a not-for-profit investment fund that scales energy financing solutions through program partners into projects in underserved markets and communities. Existing at the intersection of clean energy finance, community development, and climate impact, IPC seeks to increase capital access for low-to-moderate income communities and unconventional credits such as non-profits, faith-based institutions, affordable housing providers, schools, and small businesses. Through our suite of financing products and channel partner network, IPC seeks to reduce the burden of energy costs on low- and moderate-income residents, improve the health and resiliency of homes and multifamily buildings, and help enhance the financial sustainability of businesses and non-profits in underserved communities. IPC is a strategic partner of the Connecticut Green Bank in Connecticut and is focused on scaling and expanding the successful green bank financing model into other states and regions by accessing new capital sources. “Exhibit A in the RFP document” provides an indication of the size and type of IPC’s current and expected portfolio through early 2023. VI. RFP TIMING AND MILESTONES Submission Process Each respondent shall carefully examine this RFP and any and all amendments, exhibits, revisions, and other data and materials provided with respect to this RFP. If the respondent requires any clarifications or interpretations of any kind in regard to this RFP, the respondent shall submit a written request electronically to by October 31, 2022. IPC shall respond to such requests in kind, and may, if it so determines, disseminate such written responses to other prospective respondents. The following requirements must be observed for all proposals: Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM Eastern Time on November 10, 2022. Proposals received after this time will not be considered. Proposals must be submitted electronically at the following email address: The subject line should be identified as: “IPC Commercial Solar O&M RFP Response.” IPC intends to review proposals and schedule interviews with respondents and appropriate staff members as deemed necessary. Key Dates: RFP Milestone: Estimated Date RFP Released: October 18, 2022 Clarification Questions Due: October 31, 2022 RFP Responses Due: November 10, 2022 Respondent Interviews: November 21 – December 2, 2022 Contractor Award Notification: December 15, 2022 Download the full RFP here.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP): Solar engineering services and operations and maintenance provider for commercial-scale solar portfolio Read More »