IPC Partners with Greenprint Capital to expand the Solar PPA offer throughout the United States
Inclusive Prosperity Capital’s tax equity partnership with Greenprint Capital, as well as a debt facility with the Connecticut Green Bank, will allow IPC to acquire, develop, construct, and operate distributed solar projects in underserved markets. Rocky Hill, CT, December 2, 2020 — Inclusive Prosperity Capital, Inc. (IPC), a mission-driven specialty finance organization working at the intersection of community development, clean energy finance, and climate impact is pleased to announce the closing of a tax equity partnership with San Diego-based Greenprint Capital, as well as a debt facility with the Connecticut Green Bank. Having launched these two partnerships, IPC is now able to acquire, develop, construct, and operate distributed solar projects throughout the United States. IPC’s solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) provides direct financial savings to customers in underserved markets – small-scale commercial properties, houses of worship, affordable multifamily housing, and non-profits. IPC can be flexible to accommodate most commercial or community-scale customers. “Launching a solar PPA platform has been a major component of IPC’s strategy since our formation in 2018. Building on the many years in which our staff supported the Connecticut Green Bank’s solar PPA program in Connecticut, IPC is well-positioned to deliver energy-saving solar PPAs to customers who might otherwise be overlooked by traditional financiers. We are thrilled to be partnering with Greenprint Capital and Connecticut Green Bank to achieve this major milestone in IPC’s growth,” said Kerry O’Neill, IPC’s Chief Executive Officer. IPC’s first four solar projects are in Connecticut, acquired from the Connecticut Green Bank, and include two schools, an Islamic center and a Boys and Girls Club. The projects total 495 kW and are anticipated to save the customers approximately $20,000 in their first year of operation. IPC’s first four solar customers include: • Boys and Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley – 127 kW Rooftop Project • Bridgeport Islamic Community Center – 75 kW Rooftop Project • The Country School – 107 kW Rooftop Project • Washington Montessori School – 186 kW Rooftop Project Bert Hunter, Connecticut Green Bank’s Chief Investment Officer noted, “IPC will be one of our key partners in continuing to serve the Connecticut solar market. With this latest round of financing, we are confident IPC has the tools needed to manage the solar PPA partnership throughout the state of Connecticut and beyond. We are eager to see IPC replicate and expand upon the success the Connecticut Green Bank has had in creatively de-risking projects to provide access to previously credit-challenged potential solar customers.” Antoine Bishara, Principal at Greenprint Capital, said, “IPC’s focus on de-risking solar projects in underserved markets is a great fit for Greenprint’s approach to tax equity investment. We see Greenprint’s role in the market as leveraging our efficiency to lower financing costs and unlock the small and medium scale distributed solar market for tax investors. That efficiency is even more important when it results in lower PPA prices for important community organizations like IPC’s customers.” John D’Agostino, Director of Financing Programs at IPC said, “we are very excited about our first four projects in Connecticut and are grateful for the opportunity to serve four organizations whose missions align with our own. The Solar PPA projects will help these customers continue to provide a wide array of services to their communities. Greenprint’s nimble and efficient approach to tax equity financing is a major reason we’re able to make this possible. This partnership will allow IPC to provide financing solutions to commercial and community solar developers as well as energy savings to their customers. We hope to remain long-term partners and bring the success we’ve achieved with Greenprint in Connecticut to IPC’s pipeline of solar projects throughout the country.” About Greenprint Capital: Greenprint is a professional advisory and consulting firm focused on structured tax credit and preferred equity investments in renewable energy projects. Greenprint and its financial partners invest in and support infrastructure development activities and seeks to serve all stakeholders involved About the Connecticut Green Bank: The Connecticut Green Bank was established by the Connecticut General Assembly on July 1, 2011 as a part of Public Act 11-80. As the nation’s first full-scale green bank, its mission is to confront climate change and provide all of society a healthier, more prosperous future by increasing and accelerating the flow of private capital into markets that energize the green economy. This is accomplished by leveraging limited public resources to scale-up and mobilize private capital investment into Connecticut. In 2017, the Connecticut Green Bank received the Innovations in American Government Award from the Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center for Democratic Governance and innovation for their “Sparking the Green Bank Movement” entry. For more information about the Connecticut Green Bank, please visit www.ctgreenbank.com. About Inclusive Prosperity Capital: Inclusive Prosperity Capital, Inc. (“IPC”) is a not-for-profit investment fund scaling clean energy financing solutions that channels investment capital to program partners in communities that need it most. As a spin-out and strategic partner of the Connecticut Green Bank, IPC is focused on scaling its work in Connecticut and expanding its successful model nationwide by accessing mission-driven capital and partnerships. IPC operates at the intersection of community development, clean energy finance, and climate impact. We believe everyone should have access to the benefits of clean energy, helping to deliver Inclusive Prosperity.